Tuesday, September 4, 2018

2018 ICA Latin 3 Ritchie 57 Wicked Uncle Course Notes

a)Erant ólim in Thessaliá duo frátrés, quórum alter Aesón, Peliás alter

Erant olim in Thessalia duo fratres, quorum alter Aeson, Pelias alter

“erant” is third person plural present indicative active of sum, esse, fui, futurus.  The adverb “olim” = “once upon a time.”  “appellabatur” is third person singular imperfect indicative passive of appello, appellare, appellavi, appellatum

Aesón prímó régnum obtinuerat; at post paucós annós Peliás régní cupiditáte adductus nón modo frátrem suum expulit, sed etiam in animó habébat Iásonem, Aesonis fílium, interficere.

“obtinuerat” is third person singular pluperfect indicative active of obtineo, obtinere, obtinui, obtentum (2), “to hold.”  The adverb “primum” = “first.” “regnum” is accusative singular of regnum, regni n. (2), “royal power.”  The prepostion “post” + accusative = “after.”  The adjective “paucos,” modifying “annos,”  is masculine accusative plural of paucus, pauca, paucum.  “annos” is accusative plural of annus, anni m. (2) “year.”  “regni”:  objective genitive. “cupiditate” is ablative singular of cupiditas, cupiditatis f. (3) “desire.”  “adductus” is perfect passive participle of adduco. 

in animo habebat – in animo habere means literally ‘to have it in one’s mind’.

 Quídam tamen ex amícís Aesonis, ubi sententiam Peliae cógnóvérunt, puerum é tantó perículó éripere cónstituérunt.

e tanto periculo – ablative after e, and ex, ‘out of’.
non modo ... sed etiam – ‘not only but also.’
quidam – nominative plural indefinite pronoun, ‘certain (men)’
ubi – can mean ‘where’ or ‘when’, as it does here.
sententiam – accusative singular of the feminine first declension noun sententia, -ae which literally means ‘opinion; purpose’. 

Noctú igitur Iásonem ex urbe abstulérunt, et cum posteró dié ad régem rediissent, eí renúntiávérunt puerum mortuum esse.

abstulerunt” is third person plural perfect indicative active of au- fero, ferre, tuli, latum (irr.), “to to take away; rescue.”  “cum” introduces the temporal subjunctive.  “rediisent” is pluperfect subjunctive of redeo, redii, redire, reditum, “to return.”  The adjective “postero,” modifying “die,” is ablative masculine singular of posterus, postera, posterum “next, following.”  dies, diei m./f. “day.”   

“renuntiaverunt” is third person singular perfect indicative active of renuntio, renuntiare, renuntiavi, renuntiatum, “to report or announce.”  The adjective “mortuum,” modifying “puerum,” is masculine accusative singular of mortuus, mortua, mortuum, “dead, having died.”  “esse” is infinitive of sum, esse, fui, futurus.

noctu – adverb, ‘at night, by night.’
ex urbe – e becomes ex before a vowel, as above followed by ablative .
renuntiaverunt puerem mortuum esse – after verbs or telling, reporting etc. we have what is called the accusative infinitive construction which literally translates ‘they announced the boy to be dead’ but we would probably say ‘they reported that the boy was dead’.

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